Taking a small step everyday to Go Green

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Going Green has become an unavoidable topic in both individual and organizational level but it is also a term that can be interpreted quite differently. For Wyeth Nutrition Hong Kong, we strongly believe in starting small and doing more, the easiest ways to do so are to change our everyday habits and reuse, recycle and even upcycle whenever possible.

Working together with tutors from Po Leung Kuk Yue Yiu Sun Memorial Workshop, more than 40 colleagues attended a one-hour upcycling workshop on 7 Jan 2020, turning some unwanted materials into something useful including earrings, cardholders and coin bags.

It was a short one-hour workshop but the it also is the beginning of sustainable lifestyle. Wyeth Nutrition Hong Kong, as a responsible corporate citizen, understand we have an important role to play in shaping a sustainable environment and pledge to do our very best every step of the way.



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